Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Image Corrections

For this image I turned down the brightness and turned up the contrast, then adjusted the different color levels. I was unable to fix the blurriness in the middle of the photograph.

In this image I adjusted the curves, levels, shadows/ highlights and turned up the exposure. The edges of the photograph were too dark for me to fix without making the whole image look ridiculous.

I first cropped the edge off the image, then turned up the brightness and contrast, adjusted the curves, and turned up the saturation.

For this photograph I first turned up the brightness and contrast, then adjusted the shadows and highlights, turned up the exposure, and finally turned up the saturation.

24 Hour Technology Log: Sunday, January 27

10:42- Check phone
11:07- Swipe ID for meal
11:26- Use phone
11:32- Scan ID to enter suite
11:41- Check email on computer
12:36- Use debit card
1:17- 2:48- Computer Use
4:41- Use phone
5:22- Swipe ID for meal
6:19- Scan ID to enter suite
9:03- Scan ID to enter Mac Lab
9:05- 9:51- Computer Use
9:54- 10:38- Phone Call
10:40- Scan ID to enter suite
10:56- Check email on computer
11:32- Set alarm on phone

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Jochem Hendricks

Dr. Grether (Detail)

Jochem Hendricks is a German artist who experiments with technology and science as a means to create art. He created his series of "Eye Drawings" in the mid 1990's using various infrared and video cameras to follow the movements of his eyes. He then transfers the pattern into a digital image, creating something that is not a drawing, nor a photograph, but a combination of them both.

These "Eye Drawings" have a radical effect on the way we perceive art. The actual construction of his pieces are created by viewing what is around him, which is explores the deep link between the eye and art. It allows the eye which is usually pushed to a secondary position behind the hand in artistic creation to the forefront of the process.

Hendricks pushes this idea further by using this process to draw images which are not classically thought of as art at all. He records his eye movement while doing everyday activities, such as reading, in order to get visual representations of the movement the eye does naturally. His work also explores what happens to human sight when exposed to light and after various periods of time, as shown in Nothing.


The intrinsic connection of experiencing and creating art is fascinating, and I think that Hendricks work opens up even more questions as to what it means to be an artist, and what it means to take in art. By Hendricks ability to take mundane tasks such as reading a bill and turn it into a piece of artwork we have to reconsider if our classical ideals of beauty and artistic subjects are not outdated.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Irina Dakeva

Irina Dakeva is a French artist whom I discovered after watching the music video for Breakbot's "Baby I'm Yours". The video is an animation of over 2000 hand painted water colors made by Dakeva. It was nominated for both "Best budget pop/dance/urban video" and "Best animation in a video" in 2010 at the UK Music Video Awards.

Dakeva said that she wanted to make something lively to combat what she saw as the cold and rigid nature of most digital productions. She thought that it was very important to not lose the feeling that these were real, hand painted images in the animation process.

Dakeva first painted images of the band performing, which she filmed in a studio, and then had to create her own transitional sequence for the video which she said was was very difficult to conceive but ended up being the most enjoyable part. After the video was released she put the individual watercolors up for viewing in an exhibition at Colette's Waterbar.

Upon first watching the video, I was immediately hypnotized by the artwork and the anthropomorphic characters. I had no idea that the images were created by hand and it makes me even more impressed by its seamless sequencing. I agree with Dakeva that this has an intrinsically different feel to it than most modern animations. I sincerely hope to see more of her work soon.